1. Placing a JPG or PNG into a PDF vector document unfortunately does not make it a vector artwork, the source format is preserved when being uploaded, should you wish to verify the authenticity of the artwork, please zoom in to your artwork at 600% as shown in the example below:

2. While Transparent backgrounds are required for artworks that shouldn’t have a background, kindly be aware that designs that feature partially transparent elements are to be avoided, therefore it needs to be a solid artwork, an example below shows what is required:

3. Should artworks contain lines in them (like Line Art), the line can only be at least 1mm thick or more, judging by looking at the artwork, if you feel lines are too thin, do not hestitate to have them fixed as this will save you from issues in the long, refer to the example below:

4. As shown in the Direct-to-garment information page, trimmed artwork is a must , as not having trimmed artwork can give a size misrepresentation of the print, examples below, The designer tool on One Off does feature an automatic trimming tool, however it may or may not work correctly, use this guide as a safety measure: